Military Cremation Services - Veterans dedicate their lives to serving our country and protecting our freedoms. We all want to bid a final farewell to these brave men and women who have selflessly sacrificed themselves not only for their families but for the entire country.

There are many misconceptions about the benefits of veteran burial and cremation services and the assistance available to veteran families for final arrangements. This guide is intended to help clear up the confusion. Whether you are a family member in the process of planning final arrangements for an aging loved one or an end-of-life planner helping families make such arrangements, you will find this guide useful.

Military Cremation Services

Military Cremation Services

As cremation rates continue to rise in the United States, this guide focuses on cremation as an alternative to other traditional methods and what benefits and support options are available to veterans and their families. As funeral costs continue to rise, veterans and families of veterans planning a cremation should arm themselves with knowledge of available veteran burial and cremation services and facilities to help families manage the costs of making final arrangements for loved ones.

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The following resources provide statistics and information about the outlook for the funeral service industry as a whole over the next few years.

Cremation is on the rise. According to the 2018 Cremation and Burial Report published by the National Funeral Directors Association (NFDA), over the next 18 years, cremation rates in the United States are expected to increase by nearly 30 percent. Having already outpaced burial rates for three consecutive years, the national cremation rate will reach nearly 80 percent by 2035 (or 2.80 million cremations per year), driven by factors including changing consumer preferences, weakening religious taboos and environmental concerns.

Between 1998 and 2013, the growth rate of cremation was 5.6 percent, and between 2003 and 2008, the growth rate (representing the increase in the number of people choosing cremation for themselves or a loved one) was 6.3 percent. Compared to the growth rate between 2008 and 2013 (9.3%), these figures show a clear increase in the prevalence of cremation in recent years.

According to the 2019 NFDA Cremation and Burial Report, the 2019 cremation rate was 54.8% and the burial rate was 39%. As the cost of traditional burial and funeral arrangements continues to rise, more families are looking at cremation as a more affordable option.

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Cremation is more prevalent in some regions of the United States, such as the Midwest; Nevada, Oregon and Washington have cremation rates of 73 percent or higher. In states like Mississippi, Alabama, Kentucky and Louisiana, the cremation rate is less than 25 percent.

Cost and environmental issues are the primary drivers of rising cremation rates. An October 2014 report by the National Funeral Directors Association noted that cremation rates are expected to overtake burials by the end of 2015. , environmental concerns, fewer religious restrictions on ritual, a growing preference for simplicity and less ceremonial funerals," the report explains. And choosing cremation doesn't mean forgoing some form of memorial service or traditional funeral ceremony. According to the NFDA's report, "more than 58 percent of consumers prefer cremation to memorial services. Incorporating; only 15 percent of clients engage in a traditional funeral prior to the funeral.

The decision between cremation and traditional burial is a very personal choice. As more adults are not formally affiliated with a religious community, cremation is becoming more popular. Changing attitudes toward death and greater preferences for simpler, less formal funeral services are also contributing factors. The following resources provide helpful information for veterans and their families on pre-death planning for veterans burial and cremation services, as well as information on choosing the right service provider.

Military Cremation Services

Families considering cremation as an option should choose an institution carefully. This resource from the Cremation Association of North America provides a helpful checklist of important questions to ask and other steps to take when choosing an organization, such as consulting with your clergy and avoiding choosing an organization based on price.

Veterans Funeral Planning

Pre-planning is a valuable gift that veterans can give their families, but it's important to prepare and store all documents that will be easily found after passing. Jessica Watts, Service Manager for the Neptune Society, said, "Pre-planning is always the best gift anyone can give their family. It removes an enormous financial burden and honors the wishes of the deceased. Having all the proper documentation is important when supporting a veteran and supporters. Many people find a military discharge form DD214 to locate at the time of their family's death." Families struggle, so having this form in an easily accessible file in the veteran's home or prearranged records is a great help not only to the family, but also to the family. A funeral director. VA will assist with enrollment and scheduling."

The American Bar Association recommends pre-death planning as a way for seniors and others to express their wishes about their final arrangements, as well as take some of the burden off their families during the grieving process. "You can make things easier for your survivors by leaving a letter containing burial instructions and your other last wishes where your family can find it," the report explains. The American Bar Association also notes that as funeral costs rise, some families feel pressured to spend more than they can on services to show their love for their loved ones. "To protect your estate and survivors from this type of stress, set a limit on funeral expenses and arrange services while you're alive (through a funeral home) with the help of someone you trust, such as your spouse, executor or religious leader," advises the American Bar Association.

Some companies offer pre-planned services and may offer discounts to veterans. "At Neptune Society, we offer pre-arrangement services where individuals or families can plan and pay for a cremation before death occurs," said Ms. Watts explains. A veteran discount is also offered to the veteran and his/her spouse when pre-arranged. At the time of death, we help families fill out VA burial facility forms, flag applications and memorial certificate applications. If a family chooses to place their loved one in a national cemetery, we assist with the burial scheduling process and honor request. We sometimes refer the family to a local VA specialist who can assist them with additional information about VA burial facilities and services available to the surviving spouse.

The following resources provide information about VA burial facilities and assistance to veterans and their families for cremation and burial services. Additionally, specific information is provided on how to determine eligibility for veterans burial and cremation services and how to contact the proper organization to schedule a burial if your loved one chooses a national cemetery as their final resting place.

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The National Cemeteries Administration, part of the US Department of Veterans Affairs, provides burial facilities for veterans. According to the website, "Grave facilities include an available space at any of our 131 national cemeteries, grave opening and closing, permanent care, an official headstone or marker, a grave flag, and a Presidential Memorial Certificate at no cost to the family." Note that spaces in national cemeteries cannot be reserved in advance.

No VA burial benefits are available to spouses or family members of veterans for burial, but veterans buried in a private cemetery (as opposed to a national cemetery) may be eligible for a VA burial allowance. The VA states on its site, "VA burial allowances are flat-rate financial benefits that generally pay the maximum amount allowed by law for eligible veterans' burial and funeral expenses. A VA regulatory change in 2014 made payments to eligible survivors faster and more efficient." The program has been simplified. Payments are made automatically upon notice of the veteran's death without the need to file a claim to the eligible surviving spouse. If the VA claim is accepted, additional benefits may be provided, including plot or interment allowance and transportation allowance. For these benefits.”

In some areas, national cemeteries are not nearby. For this reason, the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) Veterans Cemetery Grant Program was established to supplement VA's National Cemetery Administration. “The program helps state, territory and federally recognized tribal governments provide cemeteries to veterans in areas where VA national cemeteries cannot fully meet their burial needs. Grants may be used only for the purpose of establishing, expanding, or improving veterans cemeteries owned and operated by a state, federally recognized tribal government, or US territory."

Military Cremation Services

Veterans must meet eligibility requirements to receive VA burial benefits for their families for their final expenses, and the amount varies based on circumstances. For service connected death,

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